Aigiarn Dotharl

With the precious words of your forefathers
With the milk blessed road of your mother's, the true path
With the power of love for your motherland
Have a fighter spirit in your body, be steady
As if you were a sword with a sharp blade
As if you were an arrow ready to shoot,
spring and fly
ride and rise
-The Hu

Name: Aigiarn Dotharl
Age:Young Adult
Race: Au Ra | Xaela
Profession: Warsinger, Lorekeeper, Traveling EntertainerAigiarn has held a particular role among the Azim Steppe's Dotharl tribe for many lifetimes - to gladden hearts to war with tales and songs of bravery, and to help keep the lineage of souls that are born and reborn among the Undying. A part of a small lineage of lorekeepers that nurture and inspire each other down the generations. Of course, every time they are born again, they seem to remember nothing of their previous work and must learn it again.As a youth, they studied history and music as well as the Dotharl's particular brand of death mysticism alongside more traditional warrior's arts, but it wasn't until they grew older that her path began to branch out beyond their home in the Steppe - aided by the presence of travelers and adventurers and packs of talking fishmen passing through the region.Inspired by these bright-burning souls from other places, they are on a journey to learn more about them - and how they might further inspire and bolster their own people in turn

Warrior of Darkness, Servant of Death - Are you an adventurer? A 'hero', whether self-styled, aspiring, or have the mantle laid on you by others? Do you have the Echo - do you style yourself a "Warrior of Light' (Or does some other power?) Aigiarn is eager to meet you and hear of your stories and bold exploits!! They would love to record them to inspire others!! They would like to inspire you to achieve the greatest and more dangerous feats of bravery that you can!!(So that you can die heroically and the Dusk Mother will send your brave spirit to the Dotharl to be reborn, of course!)

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